Thursday, 10 December 2015

MIND GAMES - Experimental Short Film (Locations and Draft Edits)

After our MIND GAMES audio drama was completed, we started production on our film adaptation. We shot at 3 location for each sections of the film on the 29th November 2015.

MIND GAMES visuals will represent a visual interpretation for each mental illness and will be different from each other but will link to the audio, which will give an audible representation. Each shot will have each actor/actress acting toward the mental illness that their characters suffer from; Schizophrenia, Bulimia and Bipolar Disorder.

The experimental approach for this short film will be structural via each shot containing the same shot. Each shot will consist of 1 continuous shot lasting 1 minute each and will be pull away/zoom out styled shot; starting with a close up of the actor's/actress' face and ending on a wide shot showing the actor/actress and the surrounding scene. This will be done to create a sense of anxiety on the audience as the shot will drag on for to long without cutting. In contrast to this, the shot will be pulling away/zooming out from the actor/actress. This will represent how the character feels enclosed and suffocated by their illness, which is represented by the close up. This will then flow into representing the character feeling alone and isolated with no one to help, which is represented by the wide shot.

The use of close up to wide shot is used to show the emotions of the character and to reveal what is happening to them in their mind by revealing the scene, which represents their mind. for example; Schizophrenia - dark underpass with several people (voices/self manifested emotions), Bulimia - Kitchen, empty with nothing but the character and food (herself vs food) and Bipolar - dark enclosed bridge filled with graffiti, urban and dark (many different emotions/people but only one person).

Location 1 - Schizophrenia: Empty Underpass

About the location:

The underpass is located next to Aldi on St Mary's Gate. The underpass is well lit, looks amazing in a composition and the lines of the lights and tiles helps drag the eyes of the audience to the centre of the scene, which is the character.
Camera position in the underpass for the first scene: Schizophrenia

About the Scene/Shoot:

This scene consists of the main protagonist having manifested clones of himself appear and jump into his body taking over his emotions and beating him physically, emotionally and mentally.

Location 2 - Bulimia: Empty Kitchen

About the location:

The kitchen is located at the Derwent Students / Sheffield Hallam Accommodation, The Trigon on Shoreham Street. We used this kitchen as it was easily accessible but also because the kitchen has a large area, which made the pull away/zoom out technique possible. The lighting in the kitchen also creates a good look as it darkens the background but keep the actress lit, which makes the audience focus more on the actress.

Camera position on the kitchen for the second scene: Bulimia

About the Scene/Shoot:

This scene consists of a girl with Bulimia trying to eat a bowl of pasta and is trying to fight the struggle that is surfacing.  

Location 3 - Bipolar Disorder: Enclosed Railway Bridge
About the location:

The bridge that leads over the railway is located to the right of the train station. This location fits the scene well as it works will with composition and forcing the line of focus onto the actor and looks very dark, urban and gritty. With the use of an open ceiling, natural light flows through the bridge and has a long range of depth, which creates a nice depth of field.

Camera position on the railway bridge for the third scene: Bipolar Disorder

About the Scene/Shoot:
Equipment List:

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